Crazy Brain
My brain seems to be getting worse with age. Too many thoughts in my head to focus on one thing. I don’t ever remember being this scattered brained. I don’t believe I was ever really given a formal diagnosis other than my mom telling me that the elementary school we attended told her I had ADHD and that she should think about medicating my sister and myself. She shot that down pretty quick(thank goodness). Her reasoning was mainly based on the fact that we both made straight A’s and that as long as our grades didn’t suffer than the medication would be for the benefit of the teachers not us. There was never another conversation about ADHD or medication again. She was not the kind of woman you wanted to mess with when it came to her children. 🥰 Both my sister and myself graduated top 🔝 f our classes and continued on to college both receiving nursing degrees. In all those years growing up I can’t remember my ADHD ever holding me back or being a problem in my life, minus nursing school. I started to recognize issues with concentration for the first time then. In my early thirties juggling nursing program and three small children was not an easy task for anyone, regardless of diagnosis of ADD or not. Now at 37 and just having my fourth baby boy, I’m a total basket case. Lol! I decided to stay at home with the baby for the first year and I feel like a crazy lady 90% of the time. My ADHD coupled with OCD tendencies have reached a whole new level. At this point I’m considering meditation but I’m not sure what the best route would be… any suggestions????