cuddly avatar

I have “general anxiety” but not really “social”. But I do need alone time breaks after being around people. I get quite excited 😝

ktutkrah avatar

My biggest things have been to have a partner and a 48 hour rule. Usually my partner is my husband, but when it can’t be I find someone else to be there with me. That person always knows they can’t leave me alone (unless they ask first) and they are responsible for the “time to leave” conversations when I let them know I am at my limit. The 48 hour rule is that I don’t attend social events without 48 hours notice - unless I REALLY want to go or I don’t have a choice. I also try to give myself 48 hours between social things I know will take a lot out of me (again some exceptions). These both help me from over-committing when I am feeling good and them dealing with the fun combo anxiety of not being able to go/be social while there but also not being able to cancel. Bonus - if possible, for things I have to be at (work events), I try to volunteer for a “job” - checking people in, keeping snacks full, whatever. But never clean up or things that would keep me there the full time. That way, I am there and visible but also not forced to just make small talk and able to step out of conversations with a good reason.

Callionymus avatar

I have… I allow me to leave when I am feeling overwhelmed by people. I have earplugs too for crowded spaces and when at work I avoid the social gatherings as much as I can. (But as a teacher I can’t avoid the students haha 😭)

TixRsd avatar


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