maikrawalle avatar
5 months ago

When you’ve got diagnosed?

How and when did you’ve got the diagnose for your ADHD superpowers? Will post my story later!

ClutterCat avatar

Currently in the process of testing/diagnostics. Since I spiraled down into a burnout 1,5 years ago I can't help but notice how sensitive I am to input, how tiresome people are (usually, sorry :') ) and how much energy it costs to regulate daily life and even myself. I suspect there might be some neurospicyness in there - hence I asked for diagnostics myself, because I want to make sure that the burnout and depression arenot caused by said possible spicyness... And if it does, then I'll have access to tools and perhaps meds that will help me manage and return to "normal life", whatever that might be for me. Although. Diagnostics really suck. Even if turns out I don't have ADHD the endless questionnaires make me feel like there's something wrong anyway :')

maikrawalle avatar

Spicyness is a nice term. The Diagnosis is for most adult people a relief. Hopefully whatever might be the outcome it helps you looking forward.

catlady816 avatar

ADHD for me never crossed my mind until recently and I’m 40 now. As a child, I never seem to have the typical signs it seemed that would cause my parents or doctors or teachers to ever bring it up. I was always on the quieter side & side pretty well in school. It wasn’t until recently I learned how differently adhd shows up in girls/females & even adults vs children which has led me to believe that I may have it & my counselor seems to agree. I finally see a psychiatrist again in about 2 weeks so I’m praying that she’ll hear me out & be able to give me something to help me out with that which may also then help with my anxiety & depression then some more as well.

Sparkles avatar

Do you think those diagnosed as a child should be re-evaluated? I think mine might be different now but I think I still have ADHD

maikrawalle avatar

Dont know, but read about it that somepeople have less Symptoms growing up or no Symptoms at all. Cant do any harm to do a check up on diagnosis.

heyyyrissa avatar

I was diagnosed when I was 11 back in 2008. But I never got treated for it really until i was 26. I just turned 27 last month. Every doctor wanted to treat my anxiety & depression but my adhd was just like.. it showed up and I was diagnosed but that was all I heard about it.

maikrawalle avatar

Alot of people are not hyper the whole time or visibly. It isnt socially accepted, so people with average iq and a Education with a Lot of structure learn coping skills really early. Beside your Point that it affects women different, because of hormons and role expectations in early socializtion.

heyyyrissa avatar

My one manager tries to tell me I don’t have it because I’m not hyper and all over the place.. like it affects women sooo much different and in all honesty all of our personalities are different too! My symptoms didn’t really get worse until after I became an adult mid 20’s. I’d say 24-25.

maikrawalle avatar

Thx for sharing your Story. Recognising a pattern, alot of people i talked with getting misdiagnosed or late diagnosed with a wrong focus, maybe its not just anecdotal evidence.

PrincessLeya avatar

Hi i'm from germany and got diagnosed at 19 years old but i have struggled since 6th grade when i was about 10... i went to a psychological clinic november 2022 because i coudnt cope with my anxiety attacks and my depression aswell with my sleep anymore and after the first 5 minutes said the doctor " were you ever tested for ADHD?" So yeah that how that went and i feel like sonce getting diagnosed and hacks and medication i struggle less and somehow more??? Its hard too explain

maikrawalle avatar

Thx for Sharing your Story. Had a similar experience in the clinic, anxiety, Depression, burnout. Told my pychologist, that its hard for me to make any commitment to small stuff, like decide for a Movie or Series on Netflix and to watch it for more then 10 minutes without fading out. Beside it was hard for me to do stuff I like since my childhood. She asked me the same question. And then my Journey starts. I struggle less and struggle more, maybe because of the feeling I have to learn alot of stuff I just need to function in a modern society. There its less struggle day by day. I am gratefull, that I have got a Job with a lot of changing people, situtations and creative tasks. This changing environment keeps my Brain motivated and focussed.

martin777 avatar

Hi, I’m from Germany as well and I’m really struggling right now to find medical help for a diagnosis and possible medication. Would you mind sharing how you got your diagnosis and the help you’ve gotten? 🍀

martin777 avatar

Short update - I finally have an appointment for an evaluation in 2 weeks 🥳🍀

martin777 avatar

Danke, ich werde mal mein Glück wegen eines Termins versuchen 🍀

elemyy avatar

Hallo Martin, ich komme auch aus Bayern und habe in München meine Diagnose machen lassen. Ich kann dir die Klinik am Königsplatz empfehlen, allerdings kann es sein, dass du (wie bei allen) lange auf einen Termin warten musst.

maikrawalle avatar

I am based in Germany, so unfortunately the first thing we do is to apologize for our English. I got diagnosed with ADHD as an adult almost 3 years ago, after a burnout in the Corona pandemic and a lot of remote working, which I had to struggle with. ADHD diagnosis wasn’t a big thing in my childhood and people only started to get aware of it, mostly with kids with a lot of hyperactivity and bad grades. With above average IQ, I wasn’t a bad student and could acquire skills to go along with it more or less. I’ve always felt not good enough, because of the feeling to be omnipotent to achieve everything if I want to, but also to be overwhelmed with starting or keeping on track. My diagnosis lifted a big burden from my shoulders and I could almost explain my whole life, missed opportunities, and be more kind to myself. In my job as a social worker, ADHD sometimes feels almost like a superpower, because of the skills to handle crises, and adapt to new situations very quickly with fast solutions, while being very empathic and attentive to subliminal behaviour and messages, and good at motivating others. So there is a reason we are still there.

RoseDuMatin  avatar

Hi ! I'm French and I feel you so much right now (except I'm not a social worker 😅) I totally have the same feeling over my life ! It's like I see buttons to start the boost "working hard" but never having the mental strenght to push it ! Don't know if I make any sense with this but feeling like this give me so much frustration and self-loathing !😥😓

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