khaotickatt2494 avatar
1 year ago

Depressive Episode

How do you deal with the depression side of ADHD, and other disorders if you have experience with BP please reach out particularly. I’ve been up and down in my productivity and ability to focus still. I’m working with a therapist, getting my meds right with my doctor and I was more balanced out but shit has hit the fan for my mood the past two days. Everything with my school is piled up and I feel like I’m drowning. If anyone had any ADHD wisdom to help me through the next day (I have a major test I’m craming for tomorrow before 6!) 😭😭😭

forgetmenot28 avatar

I have this too. I have just started taking my meds for bpd and depression regularly. Even though I don’t feel like they work. And my anxiety meds. Which is hydroxine…everything makes me so tired. I don’t take anything for ADHD. Because I have an addictive personality. I’ve been really trying to push myself this week, and I have cried so much. And everyone around me functions completely normal.

kitaperez avatar

Hydroxine was no fun for my anxiety. I feel like it made me more drowsy than helped me focus too. Maybe discuss changes with your doctor. There are now blood tests to help decipher what your body will work well on and what it will not. Keep your head up though! I swear you’re closer to finding what works for you

sunnysingh avatar

Break the cycle, Focus on Small wins. For me, it’s all about the snow ball effect. Small wins give you the dopamine to get to slightly bigger wins and so on.

khaotickatt2494 avatar

This is really helpful actually. Thank you!

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