iamtheshopper avatar
1 year ago

Time agnosia

I really struggle with how so much of my day gets lost in time. I can use timers, I can use alarms. And yet, somehow, I never get half of what I want or need to do in a day. I avoid half of what I should do because I’m anxious over the time it will take. Or I’ve zoned out, did something on my phone, or wrote something in my journal. And now suddenly thirty minutes have passed. It feels like no matter how hard I try. Time is something I will never master. I was so proud of my 19 year old who told me today how well she’s been doing with managing her own time. This the girl who I had to yell at her for thirty minutes to get out of bed for school. For her to often just roll out of bed. Maybe brush her hair and teeth. Maybe shower, and go! She stopped taking her medicine, and said she’s doing better. Meanwhile I take mine four times a day, three different kinds, and I’m lost in wonderland. I often wonder if my meds are helping or hurting. But you can’t just stop them. So not much I can do right now. But anyone else struggling with time agnosia (aka time amnesia)?

CocoHeaven avatar

I know what you mean. I use an app called chimer, which I set up to give a little alarm every 30 minutes. You can also change the intervals, if you think 30 minutes is too long. With that, I get a little "wake me up", if I get lost in some things, e.g. social media. And for daily tasks I stopped the time, so I know how long it takes the next time. I chopped my whole morning and evening Routine up in little itsy bitsy steps so I can plan how much time I need to get ready for the day or bedtime.

catnapsallday avatar

Yeah!! It’s super hard to know how long something will take. Plus add in distractions! Now I know to make an estimate, then make adjustments to my plan on how long it took me to do that task recently. I work backwards. Doesn’t always mean I’m on time, but it helps a whole lot! Visual timers like progress tracker helped me a lot too, and I’m so thankful for them.

iamtheshopper avatar

Time timer makes the most popular one. But search visual timers on amazon. I got one I LOVE. Sound died so the company is sending me a new one. But it shows the countdown AND the time left. That’s the sort of time I need. But I’m like you I need a something like a shock to help me stay focused. I was thinking as I was in that waking state but not yet wanting to wake up. The HARDEST part about ever doing Pomodoro for me is that once I stop, I’m done! So I’d rather plow through until I have NOTHING left to give. My family HATES me for this! They are NOT those people! But I KNOW that once I stop! I’m done! I WILL NOT be motivated to get up and continue ANY task again. I was thinking of looking into a pomodoro timer specifically for this. And FORCING myself to try this form of working. Small at first. Because I think this lack of wanting to go again, effects me in OTHER areas. Like, dude! I JUST cleaned all those rooms! I don’t WANT to do anything more on my list! Fuck it! I’m done! Call me in two hours, we’ll talk!

SoCalGran avatar

Cat naps all day, can you tell me more about visual timers? what is a progress tracker? Sometimes I think I would only be helped by a strobe and red light at certain intervals during the day to get my attention back to what I planned on doing that day. Not even sure that would move me. 

zonedout avatar

yea same…

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