gimmegrace avatar
1 year ago

Completing tasks takes a million years!

Why do I have to sit down and take a break every time I do one simple thing! When I have to complete multiple tasks in a row it takes 5x as long 😭

Unknown avatar

I have the same problem but usually if I even complete the first task I feel good about myself and feel motivated but there’s never a second day of completing things. I don’t know why I just can’t keep a routine

ADHDJordan1296 avatar

I am the same but I get frustrated I can't do it then give up completely especially in work when I'm doing delivery and I keep getting disturbed from hyperfocusing on the task I need to do it irritates me so much, but yeah If you give me multiple tasks it will take me 5x longer and if it's to much I'll more than likely forget too

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