leeminho’swife avatar
9 months ago

Task vs. Ritual | Today vs. Tomorrow vs. Backlog

I’m confused on the details of the difference between these. Can someone help please? If I make a task today, if it is not completed will it roll over until tomorrow and the next day and so on if it isn’t completed? Or just disappear forever if I don’t do it? How can I make a task that stays until I do it? Same goes for tomorrow, if I make a task for tomorrow does it only last that day whether or not I finish it? And what’s the general difference between a ritual and a task? And what is a backlog even for? I thought I knew but then things I had loaded on went away and I didn’t finish them and can’t remember what they were.😣

CometOfTheNights avatar

_Task: The things we do only once. And then if we check it, it won't come back again (example: write the paper) *If U add a task today and don't do it, it stays until U do or delete it (tomorrow, next day...). *Similarly, if U add a task for tomorrow and don't do it, U see the task till you do it (next day, following day...) _Ritual: The tasks we do repeadetly. Even you do today and check it, if it is a daily one, it will come with tomorrows list again (example: brush teeth, wash face...) I hope I could help a bit ☺️

CometOfTheNights avatar

My pleasure 😁😁🤩

leeminho’swife avatar

Thank you so much! That completely clears it up for me!!😁❤️

CometOfTheNights avatar

_Backlog: It is for tasks we know we will do it but we are not sure when. Or maybe for the big headings of the tasks. Then you can add their smaller steps to your days. And when you finally done with them, U can also check the big heading. (example: backlog-"finish the catalog", today's task-"design catalog's first page"

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