megmav avatar
1 year ago

Losing motivation to work

AuDHD here. After graduating from college last year, I’ve been trying more to work. My problem is that, after a few months of working at any given job, I usually almost completely run out of steam and desire to work. I’m a writing tutor right now and can feel myself losing any interest in this job. Anyone have any tips? I’m really not sure what to do.

spicyfaerie avatar

I'm 39 and I've never been able to hold down a job, the longest was 2 years and I felt drained by the end of it. Its my biggest struggle. I tend to start businesses, do really well then get bored and start another one...its an ongoing cycle for me 🙈

ninini avatar

I feel you. I feel like jobs with a lot of different tasks or clients worked best for me so far - I was in the small marketing team of a big crafts company and had to do product photography in the studio, packaging design on my computer, answer to client mails, etc. - I liked the different modes. Another example would be a business consultant who works for clients in different branches. But eventually I also grew out of marketing, and now I‘m a freelance designer, I paint murals and sell Linocuts. It’s really not easy financially though. But at least I can change every now and then.

imommy31 avatar

I know the feeling. I’m trained in photography and have grown to hate it. I am a stay at home mom and homeschool and I get so burnt out on that as well. I don’t really have any advice. But prayer and meditation work if I can remember to do those things.

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