heyyyrissa avatar
8 months ago

Hyper fixating

Hey yall I bought the sims4 for my console before I went out for my foot surgery (I had an Austin bunionectomy) and I tell yall……. I have been hooked and impulsively buying expansions help me 😭 I disconnected my card from my console lol that’s a start

Degrassi_Knoll avatar

Oh, shit. I was addicted to Sims4 (for Mac) during the pandemic. I was buying every expansion, downloading several gigs worth of cc, and spending days meticulously building, decorating, and landscaping my homes. Not to mention all the time spent designing and dressing every Sim. Eventually I just got bored of it. Are you still recovering from surgery, or have you remained hooked after getting better?

heyyyrissa avatar

That’s usually what happens with me and this game lol I can binge play for WEEKS and then not log on for 2 years 😂 in this case it’s been nearly 10

Degrassi_Knoll avatar

Yeah, once I discovered the mods and creator content, I became obsessed. Maybe you’ll be on your feet and bored of it by mid-July!

heyyyrissa avatar

Hi!! I’m in recovery until July 16th and then my next appointment he told me to bring my normal shoes 🤞🏼🤞🏼 I have been addicted to sims4 for a long time too lol I only ever played on my PlayStation but i just got it for my moms pc (I just bought my own laptop for it because of the mods and content I download) and I’m excited

Wilmohr1951 avatar

I never thought of myself as hyperactive. Overthinker, OCD - yes. My mind is constantly playing out the details of something on my to do list, when I should do it, when can I fit it in, where will I put stuff that’s now on the floor or over a chair! If I put it away, how will I find it? Now, if I put in the closet, how will I find it so now I’m thinking of how to organize my whole closet. I never actually just think, think, think about them. It’s a way of procrastinating for me. So the only thing about being hyperactive, for me, is my brain! But all the ADD stuff - definitely!

heyyyrissa avatar

Not just the sense of time just isn’t there when I’m into something, I will also tell myself I’ll get up and pee in a minute and it ends up being very last minute until I’m basically about to pee myself. It’s ridiculous but it’s keeping me off my foot for recovery for extended periods of time. I’m still doing things I haven’t played in 2 days actually because i noticed how long I’ll spend building a house lol. Or looking at stuff to download for my sims. It’s prideful because when I’m done I feel creative but it does take a lot of time to get a good modern house built with a theme lol

heyyyrissa avatar

It’s more of when I’m really into something, I can let time pass without realizing I’ve been playing for 6 hours 😭 it’s not productive at all and I’m quite like you to be honest, I just need a little initial push to get started. But like, if I wake up and there’s a dirty house I’m frantic and irritable. I like to be able to do my thing and keep myself organized. I’m thinking of also buying a little hanging cubicle or something for my kids and my clothes for the entire week. I’ve been wanting to do this for a few weeks now 😭

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