dustythecowboy avatar
10 months ago

Hi i’m Jake!

Hey! I’m Jake! Trying this out to see if it helps with my procrastination problems. i’m a 19 year old film student and i love to watch/write movies and television. I also got this app to meet other people like me and develop my social skills. I have a nonverbal learning disability along with social anxiety which makes it hard to make friends in college tbh. NVLD makes it so I can’t read pretty much all nonverbal social cues like facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, etc. I also think jt will help to have a community of people also trying to better themselves as well. Anyways, enough rambling. Tell me about yourselves! Id love to get to know everyone and make some new friends 💯 (below is a picture of me)

Hi i’m Jake!
longamilonga avatar

Hi Jake! Happy to e-meet you! There is lots of us here going through similar things, so just remember, you are not alone. I also have social anxiety. But i have found two easy ways to aproach people and social situations. They may help you! The first one it to be curious. Ask people things, even if its small things to get conversations going, its a great ice breaker and people feel you are interested in getting to know them. And also, giving people compliments. Telling a stranger “I like your bag” or whatever also works as a great conversation starter!😋

wyatt of waffle avatar
wyatt of waffle

Welcome a new kudos is coming soon

khristina74 avatar

Hello Jake! I’m really trying to just make it today. I hope your day is much better.

martinipug avatar

So happy you’re here, that sounds really tough, you’ve got a good group of supportive people here!

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