giving.ADHD.218 avatar
1 year ago

my favorite piece of ADHD advice

hiiiii! i am new to the app and am loving it so far! figured i would give my favorite “helpful tidbit” i have ever seen and i have used it religiously ever since i heard it. whenever you get home after work, your days off, WHENEVER it is that you’re still wanting to be productive and you have things you need done - DO NOT TAKE YOUR TENNIS SHOES OFF UNTIL YOU ARE DONE! seeing those shoes still on reminds me i am not done for the day and helps me stay on task better! (also helps my adhd paralysis/procrastination - keep going so you can take the shoes off 🙃) pumped about seeing everyone’s helpful tricks and hacks and all the ADHD advice bc this scattered mama welcomes it alllll!

jademountain avatar

Asian household gal here so I don’t wear shoes inside but I do wear my jeans even if I’m staying in all day. Getting dressed as though I’m going to leave the house keeps me productive

glacierheart89 avatar

This is me to a T! As long as I put my shoes on, I am productive all day long. If I have my Croc flip flops on (pretty much my house shoes) forget about accomplishing anything. Thanks for this, I’m new as of tonight and just made my extensive and detailed lists for later today when I wake up and I’m sure you just saved the day with this post!

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