krislyn0113 avatar
2 years ago

Productive roller coaster

I am on the low side of things right now with no motivation and feel like I’m not being a productive human,wife, or mom . I am looking for ways to avoid this roll or coaster. Any tips

krislyn0113 avatar

Thank you, everyone! My heart goes out to all of you that are going through the low points …. I feel like structure is huge as far as helping me not get into that the problem is that I’m so overwhelmed. I feel like that I can’t get into my structure and into my routine. We recently moved and I’m still unpacking Then we had our street for out to the point that we are use sandbags to keep water out of our house, then I’ve got school which I’m a week behind in and I just have no motivation to care about it but all the other things as far as my home and getting it together for my kids and my family like the good news is I don’t feel like I’m dropping the ball really as much as I feel like I should put my foot down and make people help me and delegate more but the same time it’s hard because I’m super picky but really I feel very very overwhelmed. I’ll get a  super focused and accomplish some amazing things one day and the next day I feel like I’m doing them over again and then I get frustrated, overwhelmed and then I’m just done for a few days and I give up and then have to start a vicious cycle all over again

Midwest Lady avatar
Midwest Lady

First remember you aren’t alone and many neurodivergent’s struggle with the same doubts and self judgement. This may sound like an oxymoron but what helps me is spending time with a family member or a close friend that loves and accepts me just as I am. Spend a few UNINTERRUPTED hours talking and laughing. Two of my sisters live 1-1/2 away. The 3 hour drive is well worth the 3-4 hours we spend together. We laugh and talk and for those few hours I leave all my guilt, depression and even despair behind me. Between COVID and the feeling, ‘I don’t deserve to …’ I only saw my sisters infrequently. We have gotten together for the last 3 Fridays to help my oldest sister with her landscape. I feel better than I have in many months! It has left me with more energy and motivation when I return home. Have I become Martha Stewart? Not even close but I feel better about myself and that is huge!

Midwest Lady avatar
Midwest Lady

I think acceptance comes first. I’ve known my brain works differently than most people, but this app has been affirming because it has allowed me see/understand that others are struggling like I am. The Shutdown. Yep, I do that too. I don’t have a real answer for you but I read recently that sunshine is especially important for people with ADHD. The last 2-3 weeks I’ve been working outside cleaning up overgrown landscape beds a few times a week. I still fight with myself to get outside but with the combination of sunshine and exercise, I feel better and more optimistic than I have for months.

tadja avatar

Idk, I think we over-value productivity as a culture. We tie our worth to it. “If I’m not being productive, I’m failing.” But you’re worthy just by being here, just by living. So maybe the house gets messy and the errands don’t get run, (it’s sucks!) but you have a squiggly brain and it doesn’t work as consistently as others. Try to communicate with your family that you’re in a low and you would do better if you could, but you need more support than normal right now. Then go heavy into self-care. Find ways to regulate your nervous system, whether you need soothing or stimulation (just google regulation techniques for both and you should find some tools!). And then forgive yourself. Remind yourself that you’re still a wonderful, worthwhile person, even if you feel like you’re dropping the ball. Beating ourselves up about the lows, only keeps us in that low. Instead, give yourself extra love and forgiveness and ask your loved ones to please do the same. Then, hopefully, the low won’t be as low or as long.

Sqirr3lBr@in avatar

Ugh! I am in the same boat! The disruption of my daily routine over summer break disrupts my ADHD on all levels. I’m sorry! Big hugs! I’m trying to start with one daily habit for myself that I know will help my mental and physical state, and that is drinking more water. I’ve started drinking one glass of water first thing before having my coffee/tea. Then, I am drinking 2 glasses of water before bed. I have a tendency to get get frozen in ADHD incapacitation, and not having the motivation to drink or eat even if my body is desperately sending me signals to do it.

jaymagic avatar

I'm sorry you're feeling that way. I don't have any tips but I am feeling the same lately so wanted to let you know you are not alone.

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