cbtisnice avatar
1 year ago

I wish I had been more reflecting sooner.

Have you also only started analyzing the way you think once you asked yourself if you have ADHD? Like why didn't I notice just the sheer amount of thoughts. Or how could I not notice these hour long hyperfocus sessions before and that this was not how everyone works?? I was diagnosed at 25. Once you start questioning if your brain is "normal", you start noticing all sorts of things. But before that, I didn't even think about how I think. Or whether it's different to others.

Ninooo avatar

Don't be so hard on yourself, try to see the positive aspects of it, you now have the opportunity to work on yourself. It also took me over 30 years to realize that I had ADHD. You only realize a lot of things now, we've been looking for this one piece of the puzzle the whole time, it won't do you any good except put you in a bad mood if you put yourself down because of it. I wish you a lot of strength, you are a great person.

RoseDuMatin  avatar

So true ! I was diagnosed last year and since I had a long (kind of) enlightment. Like how did I not notice that was not "normal" !? And there is a kind of anger in it with jealousy where i am telling myself that others ordinary people have it good in a way. I am correcting myself after with thinking that everyone has their own fight but at the moment i was so pissed ! This instant was where my perception of myself completely exploded. I could be a little dramatic about it was how I felt when I explored my mind after my diagnosis. After writing it I don't know if it like how you feel but I'm sharing it anyway in case it can help someone 😅💗

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