nothousebroken avatar
1 year ago

Run away

How do I deal with teenagers that are not my own kids? My sister’s kids stay with me. Lately they have been disrespectful and it’s getting to me. They get me to a point where I can’t even think properly and I’m yelling and my Brain can’t catch up. I want to disappear. Idk what to do anymore. All I know is that it’s effecting my mental health.


This situation is very close to a situation I had in the past. I’m sorry you’re having this experience. I understand your frustration and aggravation and you’re probably doing absolutely everything you can think of to help this situation to have a positive outcome. You both are going through a very stressful situation. I don’t know your circumstances, but if it were me I’d get into therapy for helping with communication and any issues that are related to both of your needs. I’m in my 50’s and have just started therapy (fingers crossed 🤞🏼) just a thought. I hope this situation turns around for you both soon.

NickBronsonLees avatar

YouTube and fb parenting groups 🙌

ADHD teen avatar
ADHD teen

Ok I may not know a lot about kids because I still am one but here’s my advice. When I acted out when I was younger, I was also having a hard time. I didn’t want to be bad. But when an adult yelled at me it made me overwhelmed and disappointed in myself which only made me act out more. I recommend asking them in a calm voice to have a little chat, talk to them as nicely as possible but also get them to understand the situation. And maybe even create a reward system for being good.

dxnnxgxtxn avatar

You should talk with your sister. Are her sons not yours, even they didn’t should be disrespectful with you, when you are sharing your own space with them.

nothousebroken avatar

I appreciate all the advice. All we can do is talk and try to come to some understanding. He is a kid after all, kids don’t realise things and what the adults in their lives do for them out of love til they are adults themselves or parents. Right now, he is grounded and I figured his PlayStation he can earn back piece by piece. Actions have to consequences after all. I have to remember he is kid and I’m the adult, and my sister trusted me to handle it. I just need to write everything out and process everything. Mom eagles will literally kick their babies out of the nest to see if they are ready to fly and how they react to the environment. Maybe I just need to give him a big kick! Lol

unicornadhd avatar

Your the closest person he has to a parent if his mom is in recovery and dad has mental problems and dont wanna deal with maybe he’s acting out cause of not feeling loved or cared about its hard on a kid not haveing a stable mom or dad in their lives they act out maybe try talking to him and say look i know im not your mom but im the closest you have as one and your livening in my home please respect me as you do him

nothousebroken avatar

Trust me I wish it was that easy. He has been living with me for 3years now, my sister is in recovery and his dad has untreated bi-polar. So, I’m all he has. I have tried talking and nothing seems to change. It’s getting to be hard on my own mental health because I’m not his parent.

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