MandaLynn avatar
1 year ago

Misinterpreting Tone

Does anyone else sometimes have the problem with others misinterpreting your tone in conversation or tasks at hand? Like this seems to happen to me a lot.. For example; At work I have been told that I sometimes sound frustrated or agitated when presenting solutions or answers to questions, but in reality I am very passionate about my job and tend to talk faster/louder when I know the correct answers to questions.. I’m not sure how to adjust this aspect of my ADHD. Does anyone have this issue or tips on how to improve?

MS.ADHD.Em avatar

Ever since I can remember, I’ve gotten in ‘trouble’ for my tone. To me, in my head, it sounds normal - to the person hearing me, it’s a verbal attack. I try to be mindful of it, but man…. I legit don’t hear it 🥴

Unknown avatar

Yes! Especially when talking things out with my husband!

catnapsallday avatar

Yeah, I’ve noticed that sometimes. If I record myself and listen back to it, I can tell. But not in the moment. I ask family when I want to check that my tone matches my intention.

Miss.P.Harley avatar

also my bf says u scream or haul at him when I’m worked up and I don’t even notice the volume change. So now he kindly reminds me of my tone or level of my voice, so I calm down and breathe. 

Miss.P.Harley avatar

I babysit and I can tell when my tone changes because it scares the one kid I have. Very sensitive kid. But that’s my eye opener to go take a break and breathe.

sleepysquirrel avatar

Yes it's me 😭 I often get told that I sound angry when I'm just caring about things I talk about

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