sdot_adhd avatar
1 year ago

Alexa morning routine

I set up a morning routine with my echo dot to wake me to music at volume 10 from my living room so that I have to get up to turn it off rather than snoozing my phone alarm 7 times. Following that, it reads off the weather and everything on my calendar for that day so I can prepare and dress accordingly. After that, it reminds me to exercise and take my pills so I can start the day on the right foot.

imommy31 avatar

I was thinking about doing this with all the things I need to do throughout the day. But I have to only do one or two at a time or I will Rebel big time lol

birdbrain69 avatar

I'm really adverse to the digital home thing, but honestly this sounds super effective

sdot_adhd avatar

I was too, and i tell it to stop listening all the time…but it’s working!

Florist Madi  avatar
Florist Madi

Genius! I gotta sink my Alexa

birdbrain69 avatar

Sink that bish hahaha

Florist Madi  avatar
Florist Madi

Lol sync*

genny40 avatar

Sdot your a genius. Please can you help me with my morning routine, I know your not a therapist or anything but I’m struggling I’m hyper focusing on the wrong things in the morning. I do set my outfit out the night before and iron night before and what not. I’m just starting this adhd journey newly diagnosed literally 3 months ago. has helped tremendously but it ware’s off in the late afternoon. So after reading your am routine it made me think I should NOT hit snooze 10 times. And ive even set phone Alarms to go off every 15mins for an hour I still silence them. Setting reminders for meds and such is great!! I’m going to do it!! Idk I just wanted to thank you for sharing and please send a template or maybe your favorite apps?? There’s just so much out there and I want to try all but right now I have so ya gotta work on that. Lol

sdot_adhd avatar

Oh man I’m not a genius at all, I’m in a similar boat to you, being a newbie, but before diagnosis I had put a bunch of pieces in play to keep Myself organized while chastising myself for needing these checks and balances. Now I use them without chastising myself because I understand it’s my brain. Meal planning and prep is super hard for me. I started factor which has been helpful because it’s incredibly fast. I did hungry root for awhile but it still required cooking and cleanup which then left me with a messy kitchen. I have a digital calendar as well as an acrylic weekly to do list on my refrigerator. I have items listed there which I need to do once or twice a week or even daily and I check off once completed in a green marker so that even if I don’t complete it on the day I should, if I complete it at all during that week, it’s a win. I’d say these were the biggest ones for me but if I think of more I’ll add!


Me too.

nugget92 avatar

I need to try that

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