stefka13x avatar
1 year ago

Anyone take that Mensa practice test?

Scored pretty high without preparation or paper for the word problems.. finished it in 22 minutes. Breezed through the first 40 questions in 8 minutes. Is it even worth scheduling the actual test? Just curious 🤔

veggie-tail avatar

It’s been years since I took the practice test. I’d encourage you to ask yourself what you hope to gain/accomplish/learn by taking the test and what the results might add to your sense of identity and self-awareness. If you believe taking the test will satisfy what you are looking for, then it might be worth scheduling (and taking 😉) it!

stefka13x avatar

Haha I like stuff like that. It would be fun for me tbh. I used to do logic games sections of the lsat past tests for fun too and used to get them all correct every time in less time alloted. The practice test was 80 questions in 30 minutes. I did it on my phone with screwed up formatting and freezing, kinda just winged it for the hell of it and still hit a passing practice test number. I sometimes get lost in the words though, so paper probably would've helped for the language half. It would be a cool thing for myself, nothing to really brag about or anything. My family loves to go on about accomplishments of family members. They'd be all over a mensa member in the family. Lmao it's more for fun then internal recognition. Probably will take the actual haha 🤣

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