lekkerbusyrick avatar
1 year ago

Do you sleep well?

I don’t want to be negative Nancy here, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s terrible at sleeping. I get around 3–6 hours a day. Six hours is enough, but that’s not every day. How do you manage your sleep? Does ADHD medication help or worsen it? And maybe you have a great tip for not thinking too much at night? (or something else)

catnapsallday avatar

Depends on the night. If I’ve exercised at least 30min that day, it definitely helps. Or if I take melatonin (I use the gradual release one), I find I sleep much much better. For me, ADHD med helps me have reduced restless legs syndrome and less restlessness before and during my sleep. This isn’t the case for everyone though - the doctor and psychiatrist were surprised when I said prolonged release of ritalin (concerta) helped me.

ashley811 avatar

What helps me is putting phone away by 9pm, getting into bed reading a book and take supplements (magnesium, zinc, tryptophan & ashwaghada). The combo of these 3 is a game changer for me.

sarafaithgunn avatar

I do but it’s because of my sleep meds

Zepple avatar

I am on meds called Trittico. It is form of antidepressants. I take one before sleep and sleep like a baby every night. Without them I would not sleep at all...

catnapsallday avatar

• I keep a notepad and pen next to bed, and braindump anything I’m worrying about • I hold my hand into a cup shape and place it on my belly button, then breathe in and pretend I’m filling that cup with my breathe. I keep doing this until my breathing returns to normal. • Meds help, but sleep hygiene and not eating an hour before bed helps equally or more. I get restless legs and feel like I’ve run a marathon when I wake up the next day, without meds. I’ve noticed this happens less when I’m wearing breathable clothing and don’t overheat, though. Cotton and loose fitting clothes help. OTC Melatonin slow release capsules help me as I find it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep - look into research on the body’s natural melatonin release and ADHD - (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sleep-newzzz/201811/the-relationship-between-adhd-and-sleep) • Ensuring my bedroom is completely pitch black

dmtrh avatar


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