• I keep a notepad and pen next to bed, and braindump anything I’m worrying about
• I hold my hand into a cup shape and place it on my belly button, then breathe in and pretend I’m filling that cup with my breathe. I keep doing this until my breathing returns to normal.
• Meds help, but sleep hygiene and not eating an hour before bed helps equally or more.
I get restless legs and feel like I’ve run a marathon when I wake up the next day, without meds. I’ve noticed this happens less when I’m wearing breathable clothing and don’t overheat, though. Cotton and loose fitting clothes help.
OTC Melatonin slow release capsules help me as I find it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep - look into research on the body’s natural melatonin release and ADHD - (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sleep-newzzz/201811/the-relationship-between-adhd-and-sleep)
• Ensuring my bedroom is completely pitch black