I was originally diagnosed with bipolar disorder. When mood stabilizers did nothing for me, I asked about ADHD. My psychiatrist allowed me to try stimulants and life has been significantly better since. However, recently, I am experiencing many many many life stressors. Due to this I more often than not lack motivation, have low moods, feel like a failure, have insomnia if I do not take my prescribed sleep aid, shift moods throughout the day, always have great ideas but never follow through, I have started having minor and severe panic attacks…. I could go on and on. I feel very stuck. Good days are only decent, somehow they end up bad in ways. Bad days are terrible. What makes me think it’s only ADHD is the ability to find connections to my environment and mood, however some days I’m down or very “hypomanicish” for no reason. I am officially diagnosed with both… but the similarities make me concerned about it..