scatteredspark avatar
1 year ago

Hacks for being on time?

I mainly have noticed this when the matter at hand has some kind of “optional” presence from my part to be there, but the kind of instances I also know I should go? Any pointers to avoid procrastination?

firefly avatar

I set the “leave” time instead of the actual appointment time in the calendar. The appointment time in brackets with the entry. e.g. 07:45 Doctor (08:15). Avoids calculating every time i look at the clock.

scatteredspark avatar

That’s so true! 🤗

moajune avatar

I think the Burger the consequences the more important it feels to be successful in planning your time even if this means there will be compromises that have to be made. For example you will try to be successful no matter what in catching that flight the entire amount of vacation days was spent on, even more so if it is money you had to save for this trip especially.. compared to this, arriving late at a coffee date because you didn’t manage to leave your home at the perfect time to catch the bus

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