kirmesimKopf avatar
1 year ago

App Price

Hi together! I was wondering if I’m the only one struggling with the enormous price of this app? I really love this app and I found it really helpful while this free trial, but honestly I’m not willing to spent 69,99€ every 6 months for a helpgroup and a to do list maker.. I really don’t get the reason for this huge price?

darna avatar

I agree about the price. I don’t think I will continue after a trial period

chicken_or_egg avatar

Another option to try would be: Habitica or what lalisa mentioned tiimo. I think Habitica has community features as well. Tiimo not sure!

lalisa.boitel avatar

Real. I just don’t understand the price because it’s not accessible at all, there would be so much more people using this app if it wasn’t so expensive!! I was also very hesitant to continue my subscription after the free trial because even if it is the app that helped me the most for now, it makes me feel so guilty to need an almost 20$ app to live… especially when the app is only a shareable to-do list!! And the tools and some details don’t work properly… I wouldn’t mind that for a lower price because coding an app is complex, but wtf? The price of one month is almost the price of a one year subscription to Tiimo??? Personally, I chose to buy one month even though it was cheaper for three months because I was not sure of continuing it. And I’m so sad about it because it REALLY helps me. But well, I guess this app is not meant to be accessible to everyone…

Rania7 avatar

It is very expensive for me too… i feel guilty that paid it once. I would feel more comfortable with 7~8€ per month.

chicken_or_egg avatar

Stimmt! :) Mine will expire tomorrow and I am not sure I am willing to splurge yet. I will probably miss the app! It d come out to 11.5/month but a tier for a 11 per month subscription would be better. Maintenance, dev and good product work isn’t cheap and the App Store takes a cut too, I get that.

kirmesimKopf avatar

If you use apple you can set the subscription to monthly or for 3 months - but they should offer that in the app also 🤔 for me is a huge thing the group of people who you have here who feels and think similar but I thought maybe a lot of people don’t continue here after the trial because of the price 🤷🏼‍♀️

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