jellybeanqueen avatar
1 year ago


Do you guys ever get obsessed with a thing and want to do it perfectly so you way over do it and then get bored or disappointed and lose interest if it didn’t go the way you hoped it would? Or like shut down completely and don’t want to try anymore because it doesn’t look like the thing in your head? I know that old saying “practice makes perfect” but the act of practicing is tedious and the act of failing or not being good enough is daunting. How can I get comfortable in that discomfort and push through to create something great?

Beautiful💟 avatar

Don’t give up on yourself are your craft do it again and again till you get and I love this post cause u just helped me understand I’m not the only one going through this we just gotta keep doing it if we want it to be perfect it’s your craft Be The Best At What You Do .

jellybeanqueen avatar

Thank you for sharing this advice with me :). I think this is very helpful and motivational too. Part of it is trying to get into the pattern of working on a project over and over, like on a schedule, but I’m still working on my self discipline in that area. I really appreciate this extra push. Thank you :D


When I get that way… I usually put it away for a good long while… move onto another project while also researching that previous project or just get it back out when I remember it. It’s like new again and I feel a little bit better… more than before. Sounds complicated but it’s really random. But it helps me to not get so obsessed and discouraged. On another note…. I have 56,789 projects just waiting for me to finish 😂😂😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️

jellybeanqueen avatar

That’s really good advice. I think that putting a project away and going back to it after a few weeks would be really helpful. I tend to have a lot of projects that are started and never finished and they’re just out causing clutter and the more I look at them the worse I feel. So not looking at them for a while by putting them away is probably a really helpful strategy for relieving those feelings about projects. Thank you for suggesting this :). I’m going to give it a try and see how it goes. I know finding a short story I had written after going through my boxes when we moved last was really helpful, because I got excited about it again and started working on it again.

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