adhdMum avatar

I spend a lot of my mental resources on tidying the mess in the house but feel overwhelmed with enabling my children regular schedules, playing outside time, making sure they are tidy and clean and prepared to be where they need to be, providing diverse regular meals, being persistent with teaching good habits, etc., etc. And then I get frustrated and can react in a very angry way to my 2 year old. I haven’t found any specific adhd support on this kind of adhd parenting difficulties

BlazN  avatar

PLAY WITH THEM. Children have the power to heal us... One adult at a time. Seriously... PLAY WITH THEM.

mooSIKISlove avatar

Using teaching methods like changing focus of the child to something you both can agree on doing has been helpful.

willowinthewind avatar

Have a home for everything. Keep a laundry basket with you when going from room to room to move things where they go. Checklists, Calendar & schedules.

adhdMum avatar

What kind of schedules work for you?

Emmadhd avatar

Do you know KC Davis? She’s a mom with ADHD who wrote a book about this, with tips and advice. She also has a podcast! I remember for instance she took the habit of doing what she calls "closing duties" (as in closing a shop on the evening) where she kind of prepares her home for the next day once the kids are asleep (nothing crazy, just a few minutes) then she "clocks out" and she can chill. Also she talks about how your space should serve you and not the opposite so it’s not morally wrong to be messy, but you deserve to have a home you can function in. Very helpful stuff in my opinion !

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