BDSIngram😊 avatar
1 year ago

ADHD parent-kid struggles 🥴

What are some tips for not getting overwhelmed and overstimulated to the point of not wanting to interact with anyone? Being with my son 24/7 is wearing me out 😵‍💫 I don’t feel like not wanting to interact with him/anyone else all the time, but he talks nonstop, and all the sounds overwhelm my system. (ADHD, neurodivergent & I have a rare central nervous system disorder where my CNS stays in overdrive) We just moved so I’ve got to find him a new dr for an official diagnosis & treatment 🤞🏼 I’ve had him on Brillia for less than a month. I work from home and his new school doesn’t start until 08/28. We’ve tried getting him into some all day camps around our new home but they’re full because it’s later in the summer. Thank you in advance, because this Momma is trying to THRIVE, not just survive the day! 🙌🏼🥰

ADHD parent-kid struggles 🥴
BDSIngram😊 avatar

@squeegee, I went to look her up on TikTok and I’m already following her 😂

BDSIngram😊 avatar

Thanks y’all! I’ve got some ordered 😊💜

karmakat avatar

Earplugs! I use them with my gf cuz she’s a loud talker and some days (like today) I don’t have the capacity to hear anyone’s voice, it takes the edge off. I use ones by Loop that muffle background noise but I can still hear the person I’m talking to, but at a volume I can tolerate.

squeegee avatar

I came here to recommend loop earplugs too. Learned about them from @domesticblisters on TikTok, she’s also just a generally good person to follow.

BDSIngram😊 avatar

Thanks for sharing! 💜 I’ve considered those but didn’t know if they worked well 😊

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