I constantly get in arguments with my wife (cis gender female) and I am a trans man- she gets to a point where I’ve spotted the fallacy fallacy in our conversation and try to reroute back to the original topic but in the time it took me to point it out to her I’ve lost the train track we were on and sometimes get lost in the abyss with her and then she just says “never mind : don’t worry about it!” And I ask what is that supposed to mean. How do you not worry about something that two seconds ago we were so heatedly discussing.

Impulse buying and spending hours on hobbies I love, letting the house turn into utter chaos.

Sometimes I ask my partner: 'what are you thinking of?' and he replies: 'nothing'. I just don't get that. Is he just saying that? Can people really think nothing? Like your brain is quiet? How? I don't think that's possible. I always have a 1000 thoughts, like I can't even choose which one I am going to say out loud and when I do, I've changed the sentence in my head so many times, I can't even pronounce a normal sentence, because I don't know how I started it

It's like a battle between myself, my concentration in every work that I do (even the less serious one), and the millions idea that I want to share and create in a matter of second. Sometime it even become unbearable, like trying to block a giant rock with a thin wall of paper. I don't really know how to describe it in any different ways. It changes from day to day.

It feels like two me’s battling against each other to stop and be good but really it makes it worse and messy.

Looking like I’m focussing when really my eyes are focussing and my brain is elsewhere, Radiohead, not being able to finish a sentence in my own brain because another one jumps in, eye brow raising, always having to move a body part, always having a song playing in my head even when I’m not aware of it, talking out loud to myself when I’m on my own so I can focus

Like a lot of the comments before radio head, constant overthinking in contrast to superfast impulsive reactions. What I found really interesting was that point of constant sexual arrousals - I've been critized by (ex) partners for wanting too much sex. In times where I got a lot of pressure my Sex drive increases and sometimes I use Sex to escape of my anxiety (caused by procrastinating on really important tasks up to the very last second).

I always have multiple songs in my head. I have conversation that I had earlier. I have songs that I make up in my heart when I’m alone I’m always singing. I talk to myself… it’s like a nonstop circus. Thinking of nonstop, scenarios, and the intentions of other people where did I put my phone. relationships and I am hypersensitive and I will read every text 1000 times but I won’t let anyone know not being able to sleep at night because my brain won’t shut off and I have muscle spasm and if I don’t have four fans and different white noise playing just the outside noise and the people above me irritate me so bad it’ll make me wanna scream so I always have to have things on the inside of distracting from out

Go figure, I sure do! Never really thought about it though until this video. And it seems these have gotten worse the older I get and the more my hormones change.

Obsessive anxiety, extreme insomnia, Radiohead, every task I need to accomplish seems detrimental and time-consuming in my mind. Feeling like I never have enough time to accomplish everything and feeling like I failed at the end of the day no matter how much I’ve done.

Radiohead with racing thoughts and anxiety, and I’m a champion of extended hyperfocus even challenging myself not to interrupt for the toilet 😅

Definitely mind/thoughts racing for sure. Brain feels chaotic. I’m always thinking of everything as tasks and it’s overwhelming. 😂

Omg! Totally me! I have never heard it described like that before! This helps me understand myself.

I feel like my brain never turns off and it’s just a speaker always going but I don’t always hear it. Like if someone asked what are you thinking I say nothing because my mind feels blank but then I think about it and it’s just every random thought popped in the head. Why does it do that? Is it just me?

I have all these ideas in my head but can never voice my opinion because people won’t listen it’s like I don’t have the right to speak up for myself because I’ve let everyone in my life down to many time and I can’t seem to see eye to eye with anyone everyone believes I’m the problem in there life

I always have forty tabs open in my head at the same time. Everything I encounter in my household is transformed into a task in my head. It's always a party in my head with lots of guests. There are rarely moments when I'm not thinking about the past (what went wrong?) or the future (what do I still have to do?).

i was diagnosed predominantly inattentive but i have constant anxiety and can never seem to wind down to sleep😴

Yes this is me! I use THC to cope with the hyperactivity social anxiety and racing thoughts throughout the day and my dr prescribed me Zoloft, I take it at night because it makes me sleepy. But it works!! The other medication my dr had me try a while back was nortryptylin or something like that and it worked the same way making me sleeping and able to stay asleep for the whole night. I didn’t know I had ADHD then, but now with the Zoloft I felt the difference almost immediately. The dr said this might take a few weeks to start working, but literally the next day I woke up and… the best way I can describe it is with the analogy of a cup of water. Without medication I would wake up with my glass 3/4 full. With medication it was less than 1/2 full. Allowing me to put more “drops” before being overwhelmed to the point of a meltdown. However I’ve discovered that too much of the medicine will make my cup fall below 1/4 full, in which case I don’t seem to have “enough” “anxiety” to get things done. This is in addition to the 20mg of adderall in the morning and in the afternoon prescribed from my dr to help maintain my motivation and focus throughout the day are the only things that’s really worked for me so far.

I never thought of myself as hyperactive. Overthinker, OCD - yes. My mind is constantly playing out the details of something on my to do list, when I should do it, when can I fit it in, where will I put stuff that’s now on the floor or over a chair! If I put it away, how will I find it? Now, if I put in the closet, how will I find it so now I’m thinking of how to organize my whole closet. I never actually just think, think, think about them. It’s a way of procrastinating for me. So the only thing about being hyperactive, for me, is my brain! But all the ADD stuff - definitely!

My mind is always going going going nowhere. I have a hard time focusing on mind-heavy tasks because I know I’ll get mentally distracted and can’t immediately circle back so I end up just doing maybe a quarter of the task. It’s really annoying

People see me like I’m not engage with them but actually my brain is chaotic. I have 24/7 jet coaster runs inside my head.

My brain is CHAOTIC. I’ll ask my partner “what’s on your mind?” And he’ll say, “nothing.” Like what - your brain is just .. quiet..? That’s a real thing?!

I wish my hyperfocus would show up when I’m at work. An actual work, not on some random crap.

I can never turn the internal radio off. Even with meds. Usually they just turn the volume down.

The inner constant Radio chatter is on all the time. I also never knew that hyper sexuality was a thing. I’m so grateful to have these mini lessons on Female ADHD!

I’m a fast walker but I can usually sit still if needed. I def cannot turn off what’s going on in my head tho.

I literally can't get over how much this tiny section has manages to tie together so many things I struggle with and answer so many questions I've been asking myself and medical professionals for 36 years now. I'm genuinely blown away xx

Whew… where to when start?! Medicated, or not, I definitely have introverted hyperactivity. I definitely have minor tics and I notice them when I’m sitting in traffic or doing something where I’m waiting. I also have racing thoughts and generalized anxiety. The wheels are always turning in my head.

Yes but never thought about them this way until recently. Thought some of them were just related to my anxiety & depression

i stay up so late my parents ask me to go to bed early tonight by early they mean 1 am.

Yes but I’m not smoking dope that won’t help it will just increase the predisposition towards o schizophrenia in my genetics

Radiohead, obsessive anxiety (which both prior shows up when I haven’t gotten enough sleep due to my long hyperfocus and my desire to constantly be busy! Had no idea that was the Hyperactivity part! And have the tense shoulders.. unable to relax, I guess.

I jump from one task to another getting nothing done. Then feel terribly guilty knowing the control was mine.

My thoughts are scattered, my mind is hard to shut off at night, I’m always questioning everything , anxiety is mostly nonstop, I keep busy and overworked.

Julia one cannot progress in the video if certain questions aren’t answered even if they don’t apply, thus, skewing the data

Yes, anxiety and rejection sensitive dismorphia too. Insomnia, racing thoughts, yikes.

oh my god the physical exhaustion and inability to sleep points explain so much- it’s always been brushed off as laziness by everyone around me (…and me), and this is destroying my perception of that in the best way

Racing thoughts! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in the shower and had 5 or more thoughts I want to write down before I forget them…but since I’m in the shower I have to make up an acronym to remember the thoughts (e.g. when is the Concert next week, do some Laundry, buy more Eggs, find my Art supplies, are chickens more closely Related to reptiles or birds = CLEAR). I’ve seriously considered keeping a waterproof notebook in the shower…

Constant anxiety and thoughts racing through my brain non stop. If I wake up too early or in the middle of the night, there’s zero chance of falling back asleep. Even took melatonin and it just made me hallucinate. I like drinking alcohol cause it soothes my anxiety, and smoking indica / cbd every single night before bed. This does not help my productivity in any way and I am aware, but the anxiety and paranoia get so bad that I’d rather be a lil tipsy. It’s not sustainable, so I need help. I almost need to be a little bit off, just to be normal.

I already knew I was hyperactive but not to this extent. Also, I learned a lot about ADHD in women that I hadn’t previously known, I’m shocked. The statistics of women not being diagnosed with adhd was true after all!

Inside my head is a big debate war, and on every situation there’s always another side that I consider. And it’s always constantly going and going, and everyone wonders why I’m just staring off into space.

My mind won’t turn off, it just goes on and on, on the most random things going at the speed of light. Sleep is a challenge. I over think everything, before something is going to take place or after it has. I’m always shaking my legs, it drives people crazy when they can feel the vibrations through furniture we’re both leaning on. Most of the time I honestly don’t even know I’m doing it. I’m also exhausted everyday no matter how much sleep I get.

Yes, I constantly overthink things. And I always feel exhausted, like always feeling really, really drained. So when extra pressure gets added onto me at home like me. And my boyfriend are fighting or my son isn't listening to me. It's even more exhausting for me. And I just feel like after a fight. Or having to argue is just really really draining

Yess I have almost eveything the story counts. Fatigue is generally the worst part, but not being able to stay doing nothing is also hard. I am taking medication for depression and anxiety, that ease my mind... (Finally, some peace 🥹)

Yes! Too many hobbies to count. I do hours of hobby research, get lots of ideas and then I buy allllll the supplies for the hobby. Once I get the stuff to actually DO the hobby. I’m already bored with it and then I have all this stuff for a hobby or craft that ends up in my “craft room grave yard” to die. I feel like a failure and it makes me sad. So I just pick another hobby and the cycle repeats.

I definitely have introvert hyperactivity traits. I need to be consistently busy. I tire easily with exercise. My mind is always on and it is hard to relax!

Perhaps 🤔 anxiety ✅insomnia sometimes, call of duty with the sensitive high so it looks like I’m flying ✅✅baking, mowing the grass to zone out the radio head ✅

Not really. Maybe the anxiety and overthinking about all the what ifs, and constantly thinking without being able to turn it off which can be a nuisance when I try to meditate :)

Online shopping, muscle tension/foot issues as I prefer to be on my tip toes, constant cleaning, list making, insomnia, general chaos 🤣

Shopping! You wouldn’t think so. But when you suddenly blow through a few hundred dollars they classify it as that. I mean, I’m the type that sits, but can’t sit still. I have to do two or three things at one time. At one point, I was “addicted” to Duolingo. I’d have eight devices going at one time trying to maintain my number one standing for the eighth week in a row. It was then that I realized, I NEED to stop. I turned that energy to exercising. Before I depleted my health from it, I worked out three hours a day! Rowing, cycling, squats, weights. I just wanted to use that energy positively. But I became iron deficient anemic, my iron was level five! That was when I became like a cat and basically slept all day. Since then that’s when I moved to the shopping. And now to having to multitask again. It’s a circle of life 😂.