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2 years ago

Multiple intrest and career paths

Anyone has experience with that, people tell me that I should only focus on one thing but I can't decide and it feels like giving up on one of them is giving up a part of you. I am 30 so it kind of late and I should have decided and have a promising career by now

NeuroNerd avatar

Maybe you may have seen this video but I was feeling lost and left behind. This gave me a different perspective on my life and my experiences. maybe it can also help someone else out there: https://youtu.be/BQ2_BwqcFsc

kendallll avatar

I just turned 40 and am finally settling in to a career. I worked in the apparel industry, as a yoga teacher, an herbalist, in government work, food service… all of those experiences served me as I found something that was dynamic enough to suit me. Other people’s timelines are not the rule. Chuck the shoulds and keep curiosity at the front. :)

luinmiria avatar

I have the same problem, and a combination of the two earlier comments has worked for me. Also, for choosing the umbrella career, I’ve found it helpful to focus on why each thing that I’m interested in is so enriching. Bc sometimes it’s less about the specific activity than it is a need for a particular kind of outlet in your life (science research and art both require creativity, for example).

fairypie avatar

I’m the same, I’ve had a few careers. I’ve heard that one way of dealing with it is to choose an « umbrella » career that will let you do different things, like a journalist, anthropologist, artist - I’m sure there are many more. I torture myself with this question but sometimes wish I could just embrace it!

Unknown avatar

I am the same like you. The best you can do for yourself is to choose one as a career, prioritize it over others then do rest of them more as a hobby

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