cuddly avatar
4 months ago

Can someone have ADHD symptoms but not ADHD? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Is there such a thing as having “symptoms of ADHD,” having some family members diagnosed with it, but others not “having” it even though presenting similar symptoms, but perhaps not at the same intensity?

cuddly avatar

From ADHD 2.0

ktutkrah avatar

Remember that it’s not just a list of symptoms but also frequency, intensity and disruption to life. I hope that helps - I know it helped me when I first read the idea as a way to combat the “everyone does that” thing everyone says to ADHDers. Yes - everyone loses track of time sometimes, but an ADHD person might do it daily or even when they are purposely trying not to. It’s not a box to check so much as a scale - how often, how bad, what happens, etc.

cuddly avatar

@timisi this is an answer full of empathy and understanding. Thank you for this. You sound like such a lovely family. You probably really do approach “a truth” in your analysis here. You are appreciated.

timisi avatar

I have ADHD and my younger sister has ADHD and my mother is getting tested, but my older sister definitely doesn’t have ADHD and still relates to so many ADHD related things we struggle with. Maybe the symptoms are more genetic than the diagnosis, or maybe it’s kind of “synchronization” because we grew up together, I don’t know. I also think that, if we look at it ontologically, maybe we can imagine something like a “true ADHD” in the way we see neurodivergence so that some “true ADHDers” won’t get a diagnosis because they don’t struggle enough with the symptoms or don’t fit the current criteria. So medically speaking they don’t have ADHD but there is something “true” connecting them to ADHDers. I don’t believe in such truths but it’s a perspective I have on this topic, similar to people with ASD features

cuddly avatar

Thank you. Your first sentence really states things clearly and why professionals are needed and necessary. I have recently lost my father (5 years), my mother so saddened she has been living in a clinic (3years) but continues to get better, I have been separated (2.5 years ) and getting divorced, got diagnosed with anxiety (2.5 years) but not ADHD. One of my aunts has ADHD the other thinks I have it. My counselor and psychiatrist have stayed stable on my anxiety diagnosis. I believe my primary issue has been that, too. However, I recognize ADHD-like symptoms in myself which is why I find this app and community so helpful, but not sure I have ADHD ‘proper’.

spacedust avatar

I am not sure, they may not have been tested and be masking. If tested and not diagnosed, could have an alternative diagnosis or have traces of it in less intensity and not every necessary symptom. Traces of it since it is genetic but not a clinically relevant deficit in multiple areas of life. I am not a health professional, just googled the same stuff. In autism it is being researched as Broader Autism Phenotype, considering parents or family members that don't fit the diagnosis but have some of the symptoms in less intensity.

cuddly avatar

Thank you, again, for your clarity and detailed answer. This helps a lot.

RyAuDHD87 avatar

If people in your family, don’t have ADHD they either don’t have it or they just haven’t been tested. I don’t wanna get tested. A lot of stuff is combed so they may have some overlapping things going on 

cuddly avatar

Ah, can’t see your comment in hopes of it appearing if I add one of my own…

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