peachyy avatar
8 months ago

Hate mentioning I have ADHD

Although it’s an actual mental disorder/condition, I can’t help but avoid mentioning my ADHD people cause I don’t want to be “that” person who labels everything as ADHD trait, even though it literally effects my way of life. Back of my mind I’m like “why should I feel embarrassed to say this” Anyone else like this?

salimah avatar

So I hate having adhd and didn’t realize literally until now that its a big contributor to a lot of my mental health and relationship issues but what i hate the most is that I don’t know how much more I can take everyone i love leaves I can’t even imagine how it feels to be normal again

ZiggySmalls avatar

Very much can relate but i also dont really care about peoples opinions of me that much an i try to look at it as a preemptive warning to them and gives them a chance to mentally prepare and understand why i do some of the things i do. An its helped a lot actually just being straight up about it, especially when i need assistance with something i get overwhelmed with that goes with adulting like signing uo for insurance for example im not good at paperwork and the overwhelm will make me continue to put it off.

mememee avatar

Absolutely relate to this.

cliffmom avatar

I have that issue even with my husband now

alienthotbot avatar

I feel this as well and what sucks is another co worker claims to have it as well but really she just smokes pot all day at work and can’t remember stuff cuz she is high and I know this cuz my friend told me they have been smoking together at work and idk what to do I want to tell my boss cuz it pisses me off that she uses adhd as her excuse when she is just fucked up but at the same time it’s not my place to meddle with her affairs

ursulamajor avatar

I definitely relate to this. It feels like walking a tightrope between telling someone as a form of education/communication about my behavior vs it coming across as an “excuse.” Hate it.

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