Zylinderhuhn avatar
8 months ago

QB test

Hey there, I did the QB test today and was in total shocked over my results which showed significant numbers in hyperactivity and attention deficit (I guess that's why I'm using this app, haha). But I wonder if the coffee I drank before could have been the reason for the extreme results. Any thoughts on that?

Zylinderhuhn avatar

QB test is where they measure your movement, concentration and impulsiveness. You have to recognise shapes on a computer and indicate with a clicker when there are two of the same shapes right after each other. It's duration is 20min.

ladysyf avatar

It’s definitely a personal thing but I know for myself and most of the adheres that I know coffee actually has the opposite effect which is why stimulants work to calm us down. It’s not true for everyone though so it’s definitely possible it made you wired

decker8701 avatar

What is a QB test?

cafinatedpossum avatar

What’s the QB test? Also depends on how coffee affects you personally. If you know it does something to you, you probably know the answer. For some people it completely deflates or calms them. Others it makes them a lil more elevated. ☺️ with me it can go either way. 🤷🏽‍♂️

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