I'm curious how others deal with injuries that affect your routines and seemingly worsten your ADHD symptoms because of not being able to act on anything.
I'm curious how others deal with injuries that affect your routines and seemingly worsten your ADHD symptoms because of not being able to act on anything.
Thank you all for your feedback. I hurt a muscle in my back and couldnt do much without sharp stabbing pain in my back. Walking hurt, sitting hurt, twisting hurt standing hury. Every movement hurt. As a Someone who is accident prone, i should be used to this situation. This is a particularly tough one.
I had back surgery at the end of December. I'm still struggling, even though I'm no longer doubled over in pain. This really exacerbates the ADHD, because I am not only limited in what I can do outside the house, but I can't do much housework. I spent so many years being called lazy that even my legitimate reasons seem like excuses ( in my head)
My therapist told me to, first and foremost, have compassion for myself. I struggle with creating and following routines. Currently, I am working on just getting to bed on time to allow my body to rest. When I can do this my tendency to accidentally injure myself should decrease. Self compassion and regular healthy sleep helps the body to heal.
Develop new self-care routines and prioritize dealing with your injuries. I make them my central focus
Develop new self-care routines and prioritize dealing with your injuries. I make them my central focus
Injuries man I am accident prone as shit since day I could move Lol . It really gets me down I know I get very depressed isolate myself. I have a plan !!actions thoughts and reminders . Things I can do . Use visual reminders - Routines actually reduce your injuries due to not being a state of stress heads spinning not looking where going or distracted from trying to get from bed to work and overwhelmed. Routine is our real cure and the need to learn empathy use change as a challenge to excel at adapting it in Do the learning on here it is spot on - big hugs get better soon live in the present