Depression and anxiety
I really am trying to get stuff organized. I just have so much coming at me. I have several mental health issues, PTSD being one of the biggest ones.. All of it is important, all of it needs to get done.. and I have only so many spoons.. I just feel really overwhelmed right now.. There was a time I could have powered through all this.. but well getting older sucks sometimes (though it beats the alternative). I hate the days that I end up so overloaded I end up without words. It feels so.. isolated I guess? Bit like being on the Moon. Can't breathe, can't talk, everything and everyone is there but it all feels so far away, and every word has that tip of the tongue feeling, like it is *just* out of reach.. and I end up surrounded in silence.. My kid is autistic. He asks me how to deal with exactly these moments.. and I don't have any answers for him.. almost half a century, and I have no better way to handle it than he does.. :(