stacy_byou avatar
1 year ago

Constant debate with myself

So I wake up... Free day with the kids... Nothing planned...lots to do...and I have no idea where to start. I go from one thing to another constantly debating. I feel like I'm going round in circles. I want to do something with the day really bad but then I end up doing nothing because I talk (or think more like) my way out of everything. It's frustrating to say the least and after a few rounds of debating I am exhausted...bored with myself... Give up and do nothing. Procrastinate. Guilt kicks in. I feel useless. Disappointed in myself for not being able to do anything. I feel down now. Frozen. Debilitated. Arrrgh. If only my friend knew how I felt. They just think I'm busy or can't be bothered to catch up... But in reality in just trapped in my own head 😭

Wonderwii1994  avatar

I read your story and thought, yes! Finaly someone Who gets it! 😅 This is why i startet this app. I realy want to make ADHD My supernova! Others think superpower but im uniq 🤣 Anyways, I saw one of these small videos about procrastination, and in that they sugested to break it all the Way Down and do the most silly Thing, the touch! Like, you want to clean the house, well start with the basic daily chores, like, make your bed. And here if that is too much witch sound realy silly, but for me My debating brain kickes in there, and I get stuck at the thought. But in the video, they talked about the first touch. So you want to make the bed. So just focus on take the pillow up. And thats it! No making the bed but just lifting the pilow. And then Reward yourself! (For me i just think that now i have the pilow So i wasnt that Hard anyways, and I might make the bed afterall) Anyways if its not the doing but the sorting in whats most important. Watch the other videos about the to do list, like you have to make the most important and drop perfektionism 😁😁😁😁

mentelocobe avatar

🤚 my brain is like an ongoing debate competition between all the different options that it already spent hours coming up because I couldn’t stop. I’m struggling with even just leaving my house a lot these days. What I’ve started doing is measuring my progress by the literal feet I will travel from my front door and the frequency. Checking the mail > going for a walk around the block > getting in the car to drive to the end of the street and back > driving to the grocery store> etc. The other thing that has also helped has been checklists. I throw everything on a check list and then just start at the top…but that’s got it’s own challenges.


I have done this so many times to myself and even though I have done nothing for the day I feel like I have done is thought about doing and feel exhausted and guilty 😔

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