damselfly avatar
1 year ago

Getting Out of Bed

Getting out of bed is so hard even when I have fun things planned. Once I’m out of the house I’m fine, but getting there is like climbing Everest. I’ve been in hypo-mode for about five months now after six months of hyper-mode then burnout. Tips? Suggestions?

damselfly avatar


piotr avatar

Im not medicated and for me it is a big struggle. what helps is: very very clear thing what to do next day in the morning/rutine and sometimes I booking early in the morning a boxing class just 5min from my place and if I will not come I will pay a fine - this motivate me to go there

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Yeah, having trouble waking up in the morning is common with ADHD. There’s some general tips like setting your wakeup alarm on the other side of your bedroom, sleep hygiene, leaving your meds nearby if you take any, and moving the second you wake up. For me, I give myself a lot of prep time before I have somewhere to be. For example, I have to drive to school at 8:10, so I wake up at 7:00. I don’t actually need an hour to get ready if I’m rushing, but if I take my time, I usually stop feeling tired when it’s time to go. If you’re unmedicated and willing / able, getting treatment can help ease physical symptoms like these. Hope this helps!

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