marcnking avatar
1 year ago

Escape Behavior

I’ve been working on the lessons on this app and just got to the one that talked about escape behaviors. This one was really interesting to me, because I knew I did that stuff, but I didn’t really know it was a thing with a name 😅 I also didn’t know others even dealt with it as well! As soon as I feel overwhelmed with that avalanche of tasks right behind me, I just get stressed and do something impulsive to unwind or check my impulses for a second to see what I’m needing. Personally my biggest escape behaviors are scrolling on instagram, smoking weed, cleaning my fish tanks, and looking around me to see what else needs doing that may be more tolerable! What are your escape behaviors?

adhdausteacher avatar

I find myself in a never ending mission to make something for my classroom. It’s not a priority but a creative task always takes priority

scattercat151 avatar

I have a few escape behaviors. I have a couple games on my phone that I can play for days on end. Online shopping- which has caused many financial disasters. So I really try not to do this. But another odd one is sex and being sexy. Ill spend all day finding an outfit, primping myself and planning a wildly erotic night or weekend. Then of course fulfilling the actual night or weekend. This one is good and bad. Its destructive because I ignore the important things that are causing the overwhelm but it's good because the boyfriend LOVES these times and we bond so much as a couple. Plus he's more that willing to indulge this escape behavior so he doesn't get upset with me for ignoring the important stuff.

zephyrroyale avatar

Instagram and mobile gaming. I’ve downloaded and then deleted dozens when they’re getting ridiculously out of control.

pchola avatar

rearranging my room and scrolling on any app or even phone settings

haylstorm avatar

Oh wow me too with the phone settings. It’s weirdly satisfying haha

lalisa.boitel avatar

Definitely endless scrolling on Instagram. I always end up so confused by the time I spent doing this and so frustrated about myself. Don’t know how to replace this by an other healthier escape behavior 😭

lalisa.boitel avatar

Oh, I did that for other apps but didn’t think about Instagram 😭 I have an other tip (don’t know if it’s possible on Android 🥲) that works when I’m really frustrated about the time I spent and want to have more free time the next day, I go on my iPhone storage and remove the app from there. I chose the option that keeps my data on my phone and delete only the app on itself, so I don’t have to reconnect if I reinstall it (don’t know my password 😭). There’s a month I was so bored of the idea of reinstall it and didn’t touch it!

marcnking avatar

Ooh I actually have advice for you! I was struggling a lot with that, and so I ended up removing the instagram app off my Home Screen, but still left the app on my phone, so that way I have to actively look up ‘instagram’ in my phones search and then I can use it. Really helped me just having it out of my face!

CometOfTheNights avatar

Knitting and reading book I guess 😅

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