AnnHelen avatar
2 years ago

Ants ๐Ÿœ under my skin

I sometimes get this uncomfortable feeling through my entire body, it feels like I have ants under my skin, I feel restless and havenโ€™t found any way to stop it, except just let it wear off. Is this an adhd thing, fibromyalgia thing or just me?๐Ÿ˜… and if itโ€™s not just me: how do I make it stop? Edit: no medication for anything ๐Ÿ™‚

Vicki  avatar

I have fibromyalgia too and experience this crawling sensation. Especially after eating sugar.

stefka13x avatar

After taking any meds, supplements, over the counters? If so possibly Akathesia?

BrittBratt avatar

I've gotten that too. Just had that feeling in my left bicep.. felt for maybe a pulse sensation but nothing.. just a feeling of crawling under the skin in one spot.. happens all over though.

smackingadhd avatar

You could ask you're doctor about it. Maybe it could be a anxiety thing?

pinkmess avatar

Have you asked your doctor about it? If you are taking any meds, maybe it could be a side affect? Though not exactly the same as your symptoms but I can relate on some level. I have restless leg syndrome (RLS). The feeling is difficult to describe but the result is the sudden, intense, and persistent need to move my legs. The feeling ranges from being localized in one part of one leg to the entirety of both legs. I take a med for it and as long as I take it regularly, I can keep the symptoms at bay. I hope you find your answer to what you are experiencing and find a way to cure, or at least, manage it!

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