gummygummy avatar
1 year ago

How do you control spending and savings? šŸ’°

This has always been a weakness of mine, my wife does help allot.

binkrow avatar

Savings; sign up for a new account with a bank that's not the one you're currently with. Set up automatic payments of a certain amount to be taken out when you get paid. Leave the card for that account at home, hidden, and ignore the account as much as possible. Don't start a habit of checking the account, it'll make you want to spend what you've saved.

you're crazy  avatar
you're crazy

I've been terrible with money all my lifešŸ„ŗ, I hate being brokešŸ˜”I soo badly want to do better and save some money but it seems impossible. When I am feeling down I tend to buy stuff and it does make me feel better, for only a very short whilešŸ˜” But when I have a little money and I'm feeling ok, and I start to think yes, I am doing it! For some reason I give it away to someone in need, šŸ¤¦I wish there was an easy solution to thisšŸ˜„

tessaā¤ļø avatar

I have a lot of piggy banks in my account and I put in the money I wanna save for that goal and because of that I have so many goals I donā€™t see it grow and now after 8 months of not noticing I have saved a mind blowing amount of ā‚¬2000 even though I donā€™t have enough money to pay for gas or groceries so I eat a lot of the same cheap stuff so I can pay everything Because of this I now have that ā‚¬2000

gummygummy avatar

I do like the piggy bank ideas! Maybe I need a vacation piggy šŸ·

gummygummy avatar

You know I eat too much cheap food too! My doc told me to make sure I take at least a multiple vitamin. I can kinda tell when Iā€™m not taking my vitamins, less energy than normal

jcc2023 avatar

Me too! Lol my wife helps a lot too but man if I didnā€™t have herā€¦Iā€™d be broke lol

hewjvajktb avatar

I am hopeless with this šŸ˜© would like to hear what others do to here though

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