JoseAlex  avatar
1 year ago

Messed up at my job, how to move away from feeling like being a fraud?

As you know executing tasks sometimes is very hard but it bit me in the ass today. I am fixing it, but I hate that it had to first get to this point for my brain to get creative and the push I needed to get things done. I have been struggling with feeling like a fraud and a failure (I am going to therapy) but today was really tough. Sorry this was more of a vent, but maybe it will get better with time and effort.

paula_mm avatar

Try asking coworkers to tell you about their mistakes. That made me feel better in realizing we all make mistakes, that isn’t a testimony of how good you are

Aquaholic21 avatar

I find impostor syndrome (that fraud feeling) gets me into paralysis mode. So I avoidant procrastinate, even though I’m usually a go-getter. Like “let’s avoid making more of a fool of myself!” I find connecting with my supervisors and coworkers really helps me get perspective on things. Sometimes even asking for extra feedback, if I’m not sure if I really am doing horribly at something. And the ONE wrong thing I’m doing wrong will usually make me hyper focused on fixing it, even if I do 100 other things right. So I make a list of all my accomplishments, resources I created for my team, compliments I get…because I forget all the positive things when in a negative spiral. And that usually pulls me out. I also think back to the times, in past jobs, where I “messed up so bad” and think about how it ended. Because I’m a good employee, it never ended as awfully as I thought. And if it did end “bad,”(I was never fired, just quit jobs) it’s usually because I gave up or didn’t ask for help.

kabatty5404 avatar

The same thing happened to me yesterday, I messed up really bad. In my line of work, we often feel like we have imposter syndrome so the mess-up made it even worse. I'm very angry at myself, but I sure did come up with a creative out!!

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