sanmusa avatar
1 year ago

Life after retirement

I did 22 years in the Army, and I always wondered how did I stay in that long. After retirement I found out about my ADHD, and now it all makes sense. The regimented military life suited me well, everything was done a certain way, there was a pre-programmed progression for me to follow, etc. Now, after retirement I find civilian life so confusing. At my work I am constantly finding that not all things are as they seem to be. Civilian life is so unorganized. In a way military life was perfect for someone with ADHD. How do you cope with the chaos and lack of direction at work? How do you stay focused on career progression? In the Army all that was pre-packaged for me.

Pnutzs avatar

If anything, keep it simple. Don’t collect clutter. Have a place for everything like in the military. My son just retired from the air force in April officially. He quickly started working and school. Going from cut and dry and regimented to help someone set me free in crazy town not easy. Manage your own life as you did in the service. Make a schedule like you want for what tasks you want, but not like ocd type. Get enough exercise to spend that extra anxiety and stress! At work have your station neat, and try to realize you can’t control your boss. Just like the service. Just deal with it! That’s all you do.

Jbird avatar

Think about goals you want to achieve in every aspect of your life. Then break them down into lists of tasks that help you get there. Break those tasks down into a regimented schedule.... if there is extra down time, maybe volunteer work or getting involved with something that also helps others......

aliona :p avatar
aliona :p


aliona :p avatar
aliona :p


itsveela avatar

I studied in a militar fundamental school and everything was pre programmed, the system, the rules helped me to stay organized. When I went to college, the freedom to choose the way you want to have things done was a hell for me, it completely ruined me and I got so lost, I was one of the best students in my military school but I couldn't finish college. It makes me feel a fraud. So I kind of understand what you said, although I wasn't in the army

aliona :p avatar
aliona :p


aliona :p avatar
aliona :p


aliona :p avatar
aliona :p

Hi veela

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