bambi avatar
1 year ago

how do i stop myself from talking to much?

i honestly feel like i talk to much and i think its because no one really listened to what i had to say growing up and my mind races 24/7 so i feel like i have to speak out my every thought. any tips on how to help? im genuinely losing friends over me speaking too much and annoying them.

how do i stop myself from talking to much?
daddydancemoves avatar

For me and my partner with ADHD, realising that she needs to verbally process (almost) everything because of the clutter & noise in her mind, made it easier to validate & understand that difference between us. I think the "too much" comes from a place of imbalance between you and the person you're talking too. If you both come aware of the fact that you simply work differently I think it is easier to validate & normalize.

Licorne avatar

You can explain to your friends that ADHD people share personal stories to show them you understand and/or relate to what they said

adhdandelion avatar

im on the exact same page and struggling to fix it. I’d say the best thinf we could do is communicate. Let people know that you’re listening and hear them and that you don’t mean to be rude but struggle to control your impulses when jt comes to speaking. its not our faults and we r doing the best we can

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