nastasi avatar
1 year ago

A day wasted

I'm beginning to see a pattern - if i get stuck on the internet at some point of the day, it's extremely difficult to get out of there. Especially when on telegram some emotional triggers happen. So after even they pass (i've handled the situation and nothing much is happening anymore), i'm still there kind of waiting for sth to happen again. So meanwhile i can use other webpages. And i feel bad about it. Today i realised it was getting late and still stayed online. Tomorrow i have to wake up super early and have at least 4 hours of studying German and a therapy session. So i need my energy. I feel amgry at myself, guilty, disappointed that i didn't take care of myself and that i basically procrastinated the whole day :( oh and o started feeling like that already when i noticed it was getting late and this is another reason why i stayed online - the emotions that i avoid

Nissi avatar

It sounds like you are hyper focused. Since you need to set some time to study tomorrow, I suggest to set a timer for those pages that you enjoy. You can even go on the settings of your computer and set a timer for your Wi-Fi to turn on and off. If you are using telegram from your phone, you can download an app to lock the those app. If you don’t need any device or internet at all to study. Please rely on your books and notes. Sometimes going back to basics helps.

chicken_or_egg avatar

Internet can be a rabbit hole for sure. Hope you feel better soon! Sleep or napping helps me a lot.

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