I ran through a couple bottles. It was hard to lay down the $50/bottle. I did not experience a notable change. I can’t say it didn’t help but it was subtle if it did. I tried Vyvance but that rung me out and I couldn’t sleep and had headaches from fatigue. I will say…I got stuff done! I was like a machine…sorting, organizing, task to task, I didn’t stay on it but a week…but it was a sleepless week with severe headaches.. So I went to the health food/supplement store… GABA & DMAE. Not too expensive and I have noticed positive effects. Not night and day like the Vyvance, but noticeably better focus. I also added a regular sleep schedule and 45 minutes of yoga/planning/meditation first thing in the morning. I had to get up earlier before Anyone else, before, radio,tv,newspaper,ect…and focus on my adhd GIFT. I’m different. Not damaged. Good luck!