cocodee avatar
1 year ago

Polyamorous with ADHD?

Does anyone here feel like NRE (new relationship energy) is even more intense with ADHD? How do you make sure to make your other partners feel cared for while managing this exciting, new person?


As a poly person going through this right now I can tell you it requires a lot of communication. Check in often with your more established partners to make sure you are still feeling their needs. If you find you are not, find a way to compromise until your new relationship energy dies down.

bcpanda avatar

I totally agree. I've been there before. For me it was hard to tap the brakes and look around to make sure everyone was OK. But it worked out - communication is the key.

cocodee avatar

Thank you, sounds like I've been doing the right things. 💖

becca7931 avatar

I’m not polyamorous but what I think might help is remembering the new times you had with your other partner and also appreciating the little things they do that bring you comfort and smiles. And just making sure you carve out time just the two of you. Hope it helps in some way

elissah avatar

When I get into a relationship, I become everything I believe that my partner (or whatever) wants. Eventually everything just dies because I struggle with showing affection and remembering that I’m supposed to show them that I care.

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