Dating another ADHD person?
I’ve been in a relationship for 2 years with someone who also has ADHD. While at times it feels like this helps us understand and support one another, a lot of the time it’s the opposite. Frequent bickering, interrupting, not listening to one another, frustration, short tempers, lack of patience, etc. He accuses me of not having enough sympathy for his struggles (our issues manifest in very different ways), but I think it’s mutual. In many ways it feels more complicated than with non ADHD partners I’ve had in the past (even though I know this isn’t necessarily true). I often catastrophize our fights in my head, but I known this is also my emotional disregulation. I’m at the point where I don’t know if it’s worth continuing to work on our communication or if it’s becoming a deal breaker. Is there anyone else here who is or has been in a relationship with another ADHD person? Did this make you more compatible? Or is it a recipe for disaster?