hallowqueen avatar

I get called lazy a lot but I’m not … I really want to get things done around the house but sometimes looking at everything that needs to be done over whelms me to the point I feel like I’m in a box that slowly closing in around me and I get depressed bc I want to do better I want to have a space I’m proud of but it’s like I hit a brick wall freak myself out and then sometimes I get yelled at about not cleaning and I put it off longer because yelling at me isn’t going to motivate me and I close up like a clam

dissocinath avatar

For me I’d say the froze procrastination

ADHD teen avatar
ADHD teen

Many think that it just means that I’m hyper, but it’s so much more than that. Nobody understands my lack of social cues, hyper fixation, lack of motivation, along with other things. I also think that many people confuse laziness to adhd.

ariesors avatar

Totally, some of my coworkers just think that we don’t do certain things on their pace because we don’t try hard enough 🤨

ccyearight avatar

The way I interpret verbal conversations, the amount of detail is greatly needed so I can understand and my responses even though I can’t speak my answers confidently; I feel like when communicating, my verbal responses are very bouncy and unsure But when I write responses I have time to find words and make sense of my responses

addwoman avatar

My lack of social skills, and Having other interests than most other Young students. I like participating at School, but is the only one i my class. The others think Im a freak, but its just because School is one of the things in my life i Can keep under control, so it gives me satisfaction.

adhdandmydog avatar

I wish neurotypical folks would appreciate that ADHD is about having so many ideas coming up at once, that it is challenging to focus in the present. It’s challenging to do laundry, or be on time, etc. But it’s not because a person with ADHD is incapable of grander things. This idea of, “Well, if they can’t be trusted to tie their own shoes, how can we trust them to develop a creative plan?” It’s not logical with people with ADHD, nor is it necessarily logical reasoning with anyone. I wish people would judge us by our overall impact and added value rather than by the “small” social niceties that we frequently miss.

Sam ZT avatar
Sam ZT

Everything! I definitely talk too much and too loud. I’m awkward. I either word vomit when someone is having a convo with me (and I feel like I have to answer even personal questions if someone asks) or I just stand there frozen bc it takes me a minute to collect my thoughts. But that gives me anxiety and usually I just go with the awkward laughing. Like an idiot. I won’t even go into how people are discriminating against me being different during my divorce proceedings. So frustrating being different even though i wouldn’t change it.

hallowqueen avatar

I’m the same sometimes my parents will get mad at me bc I’ll 45 minutes to tell a story than get side tracked and tell another story just to get the point

Celote avatar

That all come over as nervous or hyperactive

pinkmess avatar

I used to find it frustrating when people would say things like “ why don’t you just…?” Gee, if I could “just” do, don’t you think I would? After many years of struggle, I’m beginning to let go of the expectation that they will understand.

pinkmess avatar

You are so right! It’s difficult for neurotypical people to put themselves in our shoes. Because they will probably never get it is why I’ve been working on letting go of that expectation that they would.

Sam ZT avatar
Sam ZT

Sadly, I really don’t think anyone really gets it, at least in my area/the people I see regularly

pinkmess avatar

Doing something for myself that I know I would enjoy (going to the park, working out at the gym, creating art, riding my bike) is not motivating enough for me to get up and do it.


How HARD simple tasks are. Yes I can do this complex task that I’m an expert in, no I cannot ever complete this weekly time sheet correctly 😞

periodictable42 avatar

Feeling like you’re forgetting everything and no one telling you that it’s part of adhd so you think something is seriously wrong and almost have an anxiety attack about it.

timeisfake avatar

That it is an actual disability that affects all parts of our lives. It’s not just being hyper and unfocused. When I got diagnosed as a child nobody even thought about educating me about my disability so I grew up believing that something is wrong with me, that’s not okay.

adhdpocoyo avatar

THIS IS IT.. because its really really almost invisible

tania avatar

Everything. Especially when it's ADHD + ASD

catmaeleon avatar

That overwhelming feelings and impulsive reactions are also part of ADHD

organizedsama avatar

I'm finding time blindness becoming increasingly difficult as well as getting my ish together without feeling overwhelmed and inferior. I'm blessed to be surrounded by so many collected capable women and I always feel like I'm stumbling.

smackingadhd avatar

Losing track of time. Also just general not good memory like damn. People get angry and frustrated when I didn't hear them like it's annoying.

ArikaraLoren  avatar

How overwhelming difficult 'simple' tasks are. The hardest part for me is lack of memory mixed with time blindness which makes attending appointments almost impossible, which becomes even harder when you have 3 childrens worth of appointments as well as your own. Feel like I'm constantly failing and there is little understanding from the people who's appointment I'm meant to be attending. Which makes sense but I'd rubbish!

kabatty5404 avatar

Time blindness for me. I try, I mean REALLY try, but I am just not havimg mich luck with it. NO ONE believes me that it is a thing. I get accused of all sorts of th I ngs as to why I am late and lose track of time, and get told "you just need to ____" to which I respond, "gee, I NEVER thought of that." 🙄

StrawberryMochi avatar

Because I get distracted easily and not aware of the time passing, my Mom bought me a pocket timer to help me stay in tune with how long I’m taking to get ready or complete a task. when i use it, it is helpful but, i’m not in the habit yet of turning it on, or even keeping it in my pocket/purse with me. It could be something that might work for others.

tania avatar

Oh, that nice advice - you just need to...)))) They don't work

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