Anyone Hyperfocus?
Randomly things will pop into my head and I then immediately have to research it until I’ve gotten enough data to understand or satisfy the random thoughts or theories that came up (usually in the middle of the night 😫😅).
Randomly things will pop into my head and I then immediately have to research it until I’ve gotten enough data to understand or satisfy the random thoughts or theories that came up (usually in the middle of the night 😫😅).
Because of my rabbit hole I lost the 5 days of vacatien I took to do my homework for my deadline and now I havevto do it at nijgt after a 10 hour of not a 12 hour work day
Always on some business I’m bout to start😂 then 45 mins in to researching I’m scrolling through tik tok 😂
OMG this is my life!!!! lol … at the very least, especially because it’ll be a floodgate of thoughts, I’ll have to jot down things I “need to research” “eventually” lmao
Haha, yes! And usually it’s something completely random. Sometimes, related to adhd (why does coffee help me sleep, for instance), or other musings (why is there always traffic at 5:30 am on the freeway). And yep, it’s always right at night! Probably because it’s the one time I’m actually sitting “still.” So my mind is like, “yo, perfect time to unwind with those boatloads of daydreams you’ve thought up!”
Same here, I try to focus it to make a list and (try to) don’t allow myself to wander of before 9 am in the morning. It can only be a task which I really like and is really important. Once i am focused on this, i find that whatever i am doing the rest of the day, my mind wanders back to this item, so i make progress on something which is actually useful
I'm exactly the same. I'll be researching an actor or the movie on my phone when watching the movie at home on TV. Or a thought comes into my head that I simply have to do right now. And I can't rationalise my way out of it
I wish I would have found everybody here sooner maybe I could express myself easier to my loved ones.
It can be almost impossible to fight it. It's like a thunderstorm coming. It just comes and I have to wait it out.
I’ve done this with so many things! The amount of money I’ve spent on each thing too, only to get so overwhelmed by everything that I can barely even start the new hobby or I overthink it and if I’m lucky to start I for sure never finish!
I did this with the Kennedy assassination, I needed to know what the magic bullet was about.
Totally hyper focus! This usually happens to me when I’m trying to do something work related. Then I go down this rabbit hole until I figure out the answer or feel like I know enough about the random thing I was just thinking about !
Does anyone find that exercise helps with getting overwhelmed as much? If only I could be consistent at it
All the time! I hyprtfocus on stuff my husband says isn't important, but it feels like the most important thing at the moment.
I sometimes hyperfocus on a new hobby. I'll buy a ton of stuff to do it but never actually do it! Anyone else?
Yep and when I hyperfixate on something I find it hard to talk about anything else, it drives my husband nuts
Yep I usually do that or I'll see something I like then research it and look at every review given or if there is an interesting subject I will look for hours at all info then randomly tell a friend about it next day
Yes! It's usually when I'm in bed trying to fall asleep and aowmthing comes to me so I will like you said research until I am satisfied with my comprehension and then try to go bed