miukuti avatar
1 year ago

Any tips to avoid feeling overwhelmed?

I feel like Im always overwhelmed. When starting to tidy I open all drawers then realize I dont have time then I shove everything back in. Same goes when dealing with work or my kids and I feel like a failure

aliona :3 avatar
aliona :3


kdhd avatar

I like to make a list, I find a physical pen-and-paper list is what works best for me. I break the task down into tiny tasks and then make a checklist I can approach more easily- so for example if I need to clean my room I might put “gather all dishes together”, “bring dishes to kitchen”, “wash dishes” as seperate so the steps are more approachable

Midwest Lady avatar
Midwest Lady

I understand your pain! Open ONE drawer and clean/organize it. Accept that cleaning all the drawers at once is not the best course of action for you. Make that one drawer your goal. Then allow yourself the win when the one drawer is organized. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Try to use ‘the one drawer’ method for your kids and work too.

kirmesimKopf avatar

I know that feeling so good.. 🫂 that’s one of the biggest issues with adhd for me. Unfortunately I have no tip, for me nothing quite helps in that moments

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