Xyzislearning avatar
1 year ago

How to recognize a time: hyper-focus

Hello this is XYZ. Diagnosed ADHD, more like an ADD person from south Korea. 🇰🇷 My problem is I keep forgetting that time is passing. Even That red pomodoro Time Timers don't work for me. once I start focusing on something, I completely forget that I set that red timer, and then i spend 3 or 6 hours so easily without priority.. So I started to using a kitchen timer that makes a tick-tol-tick-tock sound like old oven. (aliexpress. It's only 1 or 2 dollars. Mechanical count down type! Not digital one) Now, I can recognize the time through tic-toc sound. That noise is a trigger that tells me that I'm trying to focus on something and time is passing. Oh, and Reemember this! When it gets 0, This timer makes super annoying , startle, heart stopping alarm sound which makes me check the timer before that annoying alarm ringing lol. (This is also how to kitchen timer works. 😂 we usually hate noise. Isn’t it? ) Most of my problems come from not realizing what I'm doing but thanks to this timer i’m getting better. (But I couldn’t find solutions that stop forgetting i have a solution(timeer) YET. Lol)

How to recognize a time: hyper-focus
ohsooriginal avatar

Finding a timer that helps you is so awesome! I can totally empathize with the frustration of FORGETTING about a tool that you have that helps. With timers I find the best way to make sure it gets started 🤣 is to have multiple of them located where I used them. I used to have one that travelled to where I was needing it….. until it was lost I now have two in the kitchen one in the bathroom. They’re always out. The one I use for work is on my phones Lock Screen and has a parking spot coaster where it lives at work.

drama avatar

Hyperfocus is a gift!!!! Embrace it:D

xtrrmin8 avatar

I use an adhd timer ⏲️ . I work by myself from home, so I often have earbuds in listening to music. But this timer shows me how long I have left before I can get up and do whatever my adhd brain is telling me I need to do at the moment 🙃

adhdartist2023 avatar

I use one too!

flexhasadhd avatar

I used to get annoyed with them but they really save my bum often.

Kelsdamage avatar

I think I’ll try this because I constantly get distracted from what I’m actually trying to do and I get off topic and start getting lost in different things… I end up losing the day when it only feels like an hour. I become so upset with myself and feel less productive and embarrassed by the wasted days that I’ve accumulated!

Xyzislearning avatar

I do same.. but i trying to switch this negative feelings to positive ine. Through this everyday failure i’m making life muscle and one day it will become my superpower.. Adhd can be blessing.. I’m trying! Let’s trust each other! Somehow we can do it

aliona :p avatar
aliona :p


clansindaco avatar

I use timers on my phone or watch but this seems like a much better solution because you can’t “snooze” it. 😆

Xyzislearning avatar

Yes analog works better to us sometimes…

SR1404 avatar

Thank you for your tips 😊👏🏻 I used to use pomodoro timers too but they stopped working on me after a while, I’ll try this! Thanks!

ohsooriginal avatar

I use an ap called liquid timer- you can switch up the color scheme and it flashes as well as makes sounds, switching between visual and sound alarms is helpful to keep it novel for me

Xyzislearning avatar


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