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1 year ago

New Job Struggles

I started a new job. I share a room in a small office with someone who is only at our location 2 days a week. I was excited to make my space more welcoming so I could focus on work. I bought stuff to decorate the cube walls and it’s not all in the picture . Then I find out we are tearing down the cubicles and putting in new desks and I’ll be sharing with more people in this room. I don’t know how I will focus with extra distraction and no wall to separate.

New Job Struggles
coursegrind avatar

I sit next to a guy at my office. We’re all in cubicles but he literally sits right in front of me. He talks very loud and has a booming voice that for what ever reason I can only focus on what he is saying and not what I’m doing or thinking. I’ve had to step away when I’m running my meetings or participating in a meeting because I can’t concentrate. Otherwise, I use my Bose noise canceling headphones😁.

stefka13x avatar

I have these loop engage ear plugs that have helped me focus more while blocking out some noise. You will still be able to hear, but you won't hear it ALL. If you're allowed to have them, I'd suggest some type of ear plugs like that. Hey why not?

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