loganloganlogan avatar
1 year ago

recently diagnosed

I realized how emotional it makes me to finally read adhd tips on this app and take medication that all finally seem to work on my low energy and lack of focus. From being diagnosed as depressed and anxious for years, it feels like major progress is finally happening ❤️

brockbank avatar

ADHD is a unique diagnosis as it stands in a class that very few other “conditions” share. From a medical standpoint ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The name itself sounds like a disease or condition that will plague the patient for the rest of their life… For many of us however, ADHD is a superpower. Like any ordinary person that acquires a superhuman trait, ADHD requires that we learn how to control it and use it to our advantage. For instance I used to feel like ADHD made it so I couldn’t learn. Thanks to an amazing counselor who believed in me and saw a bigger vision that I did; they explained that ADHD wasn’t the problem… Rather, the ADHD caused my brain to be able to absorb so much information at such an incredible rate; that I was bored with the normal pace that school progressed. Endowed with this new frame of thinking I went to having almost F’s my freshman year of High School to a 4.0 my senior year. I am now 43 and run my own business coaching highly successful executives. Had I let ADHD be a medical condition that I had to fix vs a super power that helped me be more than I thought I was, I’d probably be depressed and struggling to find joy in life. Welcome to the brotherhood Logan! A life of massive accomplishment awaits you if you’ll embrace your superpower and make the most of it!

headbees avatar

I definitely felt the same way- there are a lot of emotions involved in getting a diagnosis as an adult and integrating this new knowledge into your past struggles and your current self. In the end, I feel quite positive about it and I think you will too. Finding ways to work with “who we are” and finally making progress feels so good! Having been on meds for a few years now, I will say that you’ll build up a tolerance after a while, and you won’t feel quite as wild as when you first started. But don’t worry! You can always adjust dosages and cycle through different meds as you go. You’ll always have options to help you overcome our mental barriers. Welcome, and best of luck!

flowhunter avatar

Hey, anybody experiencing crashes with Adderall? I hear it’s kind of normal, but I’m wondering how you guys deal with it tips and tricks.

ADOoooPretty avatar

I'm on Vyvanse. My Dr says they're pretty much the same. I was just diagnosed, and started meds in the beginning of May. I'm 33 and just had my 3 baby. I was crashing as the meds wore off in the evening for the first few days of taking it. My body was SO starved for the things the medication gave me that it didn't know how to handle finally being regulated. I haven't had any issues with crashing since, not even when increasing my dose about 2 weeks after starting

affinitytrinity avatar

That’s great! And very common to have a sense of relief upon being diagnosed and getting help finally after hating the way your brain works for so long and not knowing why lol

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