delfrador avatar
1 year ago

Fear of working?

I often procrastinate my work, because I am scared of idea of "being tired because of work". Actually it is not that hard, but my mind whispers me that I will be absolutely exhausted and destroyed. Every time. Did someone solved this? :)

chestin avatar

+another thing you might try is figure out why you're scared of being exhausted in the first place. Ask this to yourself next time you're paralyzed by this fear. What is the logic of those thoughts? Like, what's gonna happen if you get exhausted while doing this or that task? Is the world going to end? Probably not. We all get tired and then we recover and move on; so what exactly is scary for you in that scenario? It might be good to figure out. Maybe you'll find out something new about that fear, and maybe your mind isn't going to have an answer at all and it's like "being tired is scary because... it's scary". And that's not particularly rational. Because being tired is very unpleasant, sure, but it's nothing you can't handle.

delfrador avatar

I guess i know what is a reason of this fear. It happened about 5-6 years ago in university, when i was preparing for exams. I had two episodes, when i was awake and actively using my brain for a 5 full days in a row. 125 hours without any sleep, just on caffeine and nicotine. Twice. And I guess, this scared my brain so much, that even after 6 years this fear appears every time when i need to a job, even small. The worst is when I, in any way, finish the job, i feel satisfied and proud of myself, but it doesn't help for the next time. I guess it must be like a good example, like "see, you did it. And all is ok. And you feel good". But no, it's not. The same fear each time. Btw, thank you for your reply <3

chestin avatar

Oh my god, that's so relatable! I often have a slightly different thing: I'm scared of criticizing myself while working (like, working on a task and seeing that I'm not doing very well and getting depressed over it) so I just avoid work altogether. Acknowledging this chain of thought is the first step. Congratulations on figuring this out! It took me way too long personally. Next, I would recommend getting into... almost like a researcher's mind. Got a work task? Approach it like an experiment. "I'm going to sit down and do this, and I'll check if I really get exhausted and destroyed". It's just an experiment; any outcome is okay - you're just researching. Write down the results too, so you can gather statistics that you can check any time you're scared again.

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